Mother’s Day


A few thoughts for Mother's Day: To my friends with kiddos: I honor you for showing up for the hardest job ever, and rocking it most days. To my friends who mother and auntie other [...]

It’s ALL Pudding!

2021-10-27T15:47:14-07:00Lego Sam, Musings, Recipes|

  I’m British, and like most expats from other countries, I'm often asked to explain our cultural foods like pudding. I heard you laughing… yes, British culinary exploits have been the butt of many a [...]

Why I’m a Feminist


Why I’m a Feminist This is Women’s History Month, and I feel like, finally, it’s the right time to tell the story about this artwork. Why I'm A Feminist (click to read the larger [...]

Rock the Needle, Soothe a Soul


A few months back, an article was circulating on social media about a veteran soldier who turned to making quilts for other veterans as a way to manage his PTSD*. It got me to thinking [...]

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