Countdown! Advent Calendar Tutorial


This is a tutorial for Countdown, the advent calendar pattern I designed a couple of years back. It has roomy pleated pockets instead of doors or ornaments, and goes together really quickly. Like most of [...]

On giving up “perfect”


'Tis the season! Yes, the season of tinsel and holiday muzak, of cookie bakes and frenzied shopping excursions. And the quilt store where I work is not immune from the insanity... there have been a [...]

Fabric Crush – Sam I Am!

2020-08-24T15:08:14-07:00Fabric Crushes|

FINALLY!!!! I plan to buy yards of that ORANGE-on-ORANGE "I am Sam I am" print. And I must have pajamas out of something with the eggs motif. Oh, how I like these, Sam I am! [...]

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