The Quality of Patterns – A Discussion
A friend forwarded a post from Marianne of The Quilting Edge this weekend, in which she invites discussion on the topic of poorly written patterns. Give it a look, and check out the lively discourse [...]
A friend forwarded a post from Marianne of The Quilting Edge this weekend, in which she invites discussion on the topic of poorly written patterns. Give it a look, and check out the lively discourse [...]
So who's your favorite Doctor? I have to admit that I have a soft spot for Tom Baker's incarnation… he was the jelly-baby eating Doctor Who of my childhood in England. He was a big [...]
Early in my college art education, an art history professor assigned us a museum trip. We were charged with visiting one of three specific paintings, and to spend 15 minutes with the work while writing [...]
If you follow any of the social media surrounding the current wave of feminism, you've probably noticed that we are beginning to see photographs of real people with little electronic alteration - a trend I [...]
The first step in being able to assess what you might charge to make a quilt is keeping good track of what went into it, in both time and materials. Anyone who has had the [...]
Image from the delightful Melanie Gillman of As this lovely year comes to a close, I want to thank each and every person who has written me from the We Are $ew Worth It posts. [...]
This is a tutorial for Countdown, the advent calendar pattern I designed a couple of years back. It has roomy pleated pockets instead of doors or ornaments, and goes together really quickly. Like most of [...]
Like a lot of folks in the arts (fine arts, writing arts, or otherwise) at one point in my career I discovered Moleskine notebooks. They are discrete little black numbers, made in several sizes, and [...]
I drive a Miata. I bought my first in 1996, and my second (and current) in 2001. I’m approaching 300K lifetime Miata miles, and I still look out the window, espy my car and think [...]