Welcome to the blog! This is where you’ll find written tutorials, encouragement, posts from some of the coolest blog hops, and occasional musings. I also write periodically for my industry and some of those posts can get a bit chewy if you’re just here for the pretty pictures, so feel free to skip right over those!
The blog includes written tutorials, and you can go here for a list of them. If you want to check out our video tutorials, go here.

Count Me In

The murders of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens, and Michael Smith this week have my made heart incredibly heavy. I'm outraged that our society continues to execute black men, and I'm horrified that a black man needed [...]

Born For This

One of the cool things about moving to Portland is that there's a huge entrepreneurial community here. Within days of unloading the moving truck in 2013, I found myself at a holiday party with local followers [...]

Spring Clean Your Studio 2016 – Come On In!

Welcome to my studio! When Cheryl Sleboda asked me to join the Spring Cleaning hop again, her timing was perfect. I'm in the middle of #SewingAtTheSpeedOfSam for Spring Quilt Market, and she caught me on [...]

The High Cost of Discount Pricing

If you enjoy this post, I write more posts like this on my Substack, How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz.  Check it out! Everybody loves a bargain. Scoring something on sale is a modern [...]

Favorites from QuiltCon

Whenever I go to look at art, I play a game... which piece would I take home? It has nothing to do with whether or not I can afford the art, it's an acknowledgement of [...]