WASWI – Posts2020-09-10T07:29:39-07:00


Here is a list of the various posts of We Are $ew Worth It (WASWI).

There are many aspects to calculating value and claiming it, from the raw math of tracking your hours, to the ethical choice to not photocopy a pattern for a friend (psst… that’s called stealing) and you’ll find those posts listed here.

WASWI – One of My Patterns Has Been Plagiarized

  I'm pretty steamed. I've discovered that someone who bought my Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches pattern has ripped it off, obviously believing the "just change 5 things or X percent and you're safe" nonsense. Whatever the nuts [...]

The Personal and the Political

Yes, I've been quiet of late. It's been one helluva season... I moved house and studio in early December, my delightfully dodgy heart landed me in the hospital (again) during the holidays, I'm sore and [...]

WASWI: Asking for better than you get

Here's part of an email I just sent to a company that buys patterns from me. Yet again, my payment was not made in a timely fashion. I sadly deal with more than one company [...]

Studio Habits: Keep a List

This is the first in an occasional series about building studio habits to ease your workflow. As we hit the middle of January, and I read across my social media feeds of everyone's epic plans [...]

Should You Take Ambassadorships?

If you enjoy this post, I write more posts like this on my Substack, How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz.  Check it out! Note: I often write for my industry, and this is one [...]

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