Welcome to the blog! This is where you’ll find written tutorials, encouragement, posts from some of the coolest blog hops, and occasional musings. I also write periodically for my industry and some of those posts can get a bit chewy if you’re just here for the pretty pictures, so feel free to skip right over those!
The blog includes written tutorials, and you can go here for a list of them. If you want to check out our video tutorials, go here.

I Got “Snowflaked” – The Sam I Am Quilt

I belong to a private Facebook group of lovely ladies. We've been together a while (close to four years now) and in the way that only seems possible through the marriage of quilting and on-line [...]

The Space Squilt

No, that's not a misspelling. SQUILT is a valid word in my family - it means Special Quilt, and is reserved for the most honored quilts: the "loveys," the "woobies," the ones that achieve Velveteen Rabbit-like [...]

  • Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches features three different sizes of zippy pouches. One is long and thin - a pencil pouch, the other is rectangle shaped, and the third is cube shaped.

WASWI – One of My Patterns Has Been Plagiarized

  I'm pretty steamed. I've discovered that someone who bought my Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches pattern has ripped it off, obviously believing the "just change 5 things or X percent and you're safe" nonsense. Whatever the nuts [...]

Well Loved Quilts

Last week, I visited my son and daughter-in-law in Michigan for their wedding. We had a lovely, too-short time, and I was sent home with three quilt projects to work on! The first quilt is one [...]

  • Hedgie Pincushion made with orange fabric is full of used sewing machine needles.

Hedgie Pincushion Pattern

I don’t like to dispose of sharp metal in the trash – I’m always worried that it might hurt someone. I usually put all my dead needles into an old pincushion – so I thought [...]