Inside My Studio
Come take a peek inside my studio! A couple of years back, Heather Powers of HKPowerStudio interviewed me about my studio space. Back then, it was a slender room in a friend's bigger studio. I [...]
Come take a peek inside my studio! A couple of years back, Heather Powers of HKPowerStudio interviewed me about my studio space. Back then, it was a slender room in a friend's bigger studio. I [...]
How many of us hit the first weekend of February, completely aghast that January was already history? One tenth of the year is done, and I'd be lying if I said I'm cool with that [...]
Last week I experimented with a different way of working... instead of just working one thing to the end of a logical step, I tried giving several important things a spot of focus in the [...]
In the last post, I got halfway through describing some of the storage goodies in my studio... here's some more stuff that lives on the big bookshelf: Machine needles and spare blades live in their [...]
I've been musing a lot about PROCESS of late. How I work, how I navigate my space, how I navigate my time. While I was in graduate school (MFA in Fiber) I was "encouraged" to [...]