A few thoughts for Mother’s Day:
To my friends with kiddos: I honor you for showing up for the hardest job ever, and rocking it most days.
To my friends who mother and auntie other peoples’ kiddos: I honor you for the generosity of your love.
To my friends who mother solo: I honor your fine juggling skills.
To my friends who have lost a child: I honor that you are doing your best with the absolute worst thing.
To my friends who wish they had kiddos: I honor your struggle and sadness, and hope your wish will come true.
To my friends who are thrilled to be childless: I honor your choice.
To my friends who have a great relationship with their mother: I honor and celebrate the blessings of such a bond.
To my friends whose mother is gone: I honor the sadness of your loss, and the sweetness of your memories.
To my friends who have/had a difficult relationship with their mother: I honor the challenge and heartache.
To my friends who have had to “divorce” a toxic mother: I honor you, I see you, and I support you.
To my friends who are missing a child: I hope the day goes easy on your heart.
(one of the coolest cards my son has sent me over the years)
Beautifully expressed Sam… thank you! ~Pris