A Quilt Talk® Pattern
This is a fast and easy quilt to make for someone you love!
Inspired by the iconic LOVE sculpture and postage stamp adaptation by artist Robert Indiana in 1966, this 4-block quilt goes together using basic piecing skills.
FINISHED SIZE: Large Lap/Snuggle, 60’’ x 72’’ (or 61” x 73” with optional sashing)
See second image for detailed fabric requirements and sizes. See below for more details!
Shopping from the EU/Great Britain? Purchase More LOVE here.
The pattern is all straight seams and snowballs, with a couple of bias seams that will be fine if pinned generously. A mostly accurate 1/4” will work as the pattern is quite forgiving.
There are FOUR color/fabric layouts included: 3, 6, 9, and 11 fabrics. Basic color suggestions are included in the pattern.
25% proceeds from this digital pattern will be donated quarterly to the ACLU to support the protection of human rights for all.
See below for more details.