The Joy of a Slow Project

I'm capable of working quite quickly, fast enough that my friends invented a hashtag for it, #sewingatthespeedofsam. Yes, I get through a lot of projects - remember, I design and sew for a living! - but over the years, I've had several slow projects, lasting more than a year, and I find great delight in them. There's something about NOT being on a deadline that is so relaxing. My most recent "slow" finish was a huge bed quilt, just for me. I started collecting the fabric a couple of years ago, and then spent a retreat weekend cutting up the [...]


WASWI: “But I don’t need the money”

It's exciting to see the topic of selling handcrafted items for decent money rise up in the consciousness of our industry. I believe that the more we talk about it, the better it will be for all. I was sent a recent post from Kate Chiconi, from which I pulled this quote (emphasis mine) regarding getting paid well for a quilt: But I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no point counting the hours I spend in my enjoyment and expecting a return on investment. All that would achieve is a deep sense of despondency at how poorly I’m rewarded, whereas in [...]


We Are $ew Worth It: Keeping track while you work

The first step in being able to assess what you might charge to make a quilt is keeping good track of what went into it, in both time and materials. Anyone who has had the pleasure of working a job where hours are either billed to a client, or bucketed out on a timecard to different project codes will have already had some experience with daily tracking of time. But for the rest of us, it's a new tool in the box for being able to calculate good pricing. I manage it by keeping a Project Tally Sheet with each [...]


What’s it worth?

If you enjoy this post, I write more posts like this on my Substack, How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz.  Check it out!   This morning I caught a post on a quilting Facebook feed... a member posted a picture of a delightful baby quilt and asked what she should charge the neighbor that just asked to buy it from her. She mentioned that the quilt was made from a panel with pieced borders, and that the quilting was done in threads to match the fabric colors (oh, the thread changes!). She mentioned she was thinking $85. A fellow [...]


Tutorial – Pieced Backs

Often times at the quilt store, we have a customer agonizing over having purchased a few inches too much fabric (can there be such a thing?!) and fretting about having to keep it around when it doesn't match the next idea in the queue. Often times this same customer is one who frets equally over the back of the quilt, having heard a rule somewhere along the line about solid one-fabric-only backs that have to match the fronts. To which all I can say is horse feathers! Rules about backs? None exist... (regardless of what the crotchety biddies at your [...]



LECTURES LECTURES I love to talk about art, and teach people how to make it. To hire me for a lecture, please get in touch or fill out the form below, and we’ll make it happen. I’m happy to work with you via ZOOM on an ongoing basis, and my team is happy to run the technology for you if needed.  My goal is to make it fun to make more quilts. I’m a fun, relaxed and encouraging speaker! I’m proud to be part of the longstanding tradition of hands-on [...]


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