WASWI – One of My Patterns Has Been Plagiarized

  I'm pretty steamed. I've discovered that someone who bought my Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches pattern has ripped it off, obviously believing the "just change 5 things or X percent and you're safe" nonsense. Whatever the nuts and bolts of copyright law might state about what is in the public domain and what can't be protected on a pattern for a functional product, it's just freaking WRONG to plagiarize someone else's stuff to make money from it. Look. Most of this industry is made up of nice women, women who often get railroaded by corporate policies that abuse our niceness. We should [...]


Count Me In

The murders of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens, and Michael Smith this week have my made heart incredibly heavy. I'm outraged that our society continues to execute black men, and I'm horrified that a black man needed to slaughter police officers to make visible the terrible disparities in our justice system. I have watched (and read) as my friends of color have described what a day in their lives looks like: from my friend Charlie (a former soldier, and highly respected productivity coach for entrepreneurs), who described his process for keeping the cop calm if he gets stopped, to my friend Chawne (an [...]


The High Cost of Discount Pricing

If you enjoy this post, I write more posts like this on my Substack, How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz.  Check it out! Everybody loves a bargain. Scoring something on sale is a modern day hunter/gatherer coup of the first order, a proof positive that you are conducting your life with thrifty adult aplomb. But the push for sale prices is eroding the quilting (and other) industries. Many chain stores have resorted to constant discounting as a way to keep the sales moving, and what this has done is teach their buyers that the listed price of a thing [...]


Acknowledging the Contributors: Red (or Another Important Quilt)

Another quilt from the Portland Modern Quilt Guild community that was rejected from QuiltCon West 2016 was Red, by Teresa Coates (quilting by Jolene Knight): Red, by Teresa Coates (quilting by Jolene Knight). Photo by Bill Volckening According to Bill Volckening: "Red is love, war, passion, and blood. This quilt explores the color red with elements of Pop Art, Matisse, Rorschach, red and white quilts and Traditional Hawaiian quiltmaking. It is made with hand needleturn appliqué, computer guided and free-motion machine quilting, and a few randomly placed rows of big-stitch hand quilting." Red (detail), by Teresa Coates [...]


Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy All the content on this site is my original work and is copyrighted © 2010-2023 by me, Sam Hunter, owner of Hunter's Design Studio, a division of Make Things, Inc., and owner of The Embroidered Journey, also a division of Make Things., Inc. Dry legal wording makes me sound like I'm no fun at all (which isn't true!) so below is the simple version of what my terms, conditions, and privacy policy means. Scroll down for the full legalese - you might need to brew a cuppa first. 1. You may not copy my [...]


WASWI – How you use your time

A friend messaged over the weekend, asking for help to price a commission. We went over the costs of materials, and the time it might take to make. Yes, it does come down to time and money. As with all work, you are effectively making a trade in hours/materials for cash. But here's another factor to think about in the trading of hours: those are hours of YOUR precious time, time that you get to spend only once. If the gig in question will cost you hours with people you care about, or neglecting projects that matter more to you, [...]


WASWI – Legs of the same table

If you enjoy this post, I write more posts like this on my Substack, How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz.  Check it out! We need each other. Every person, in every role in the quilting industry, whether it's on the buying side or the selling side, from the CEO to the fledgling sewist, is necessary. Absolutely necessary. Every role is important, and without each of them, we ALL fall down. Consider each of us to be legs of a table. Take out any one leg, and the table falls over: The Designers: without the designers to generate all the wonderful [...]


Spring Clean Your Studio – my turn!

Don't hate me. Truly. And no... this is not a Pantene commercial! This post is supposed to be about showing you my messy studio, and then showing you the cleaned up version, but here's the thing: I don't make much mess while I work. And if I do, I clean it up before I go to bed. So please.... don't hate me! Here's how it looks in here most of the time: Click on this image to see the larger and more detailed version! I'm one of the few people that gets her creativity shut down by mess, and [...]


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