Go here for lectures for guilds.
I love to teach! I’m proud to be part of the long history of women teaching handcrafts to other women. I’ve been sewing since I was 7, and quilting for over 30 years, so I know a few tips and tricks! I’m a relaxed and encouraging teacher, and love helping people grow their skills to make cool things.
My team and I have created an ever-growing catalog of recorded, on-demand classes for you to take at your own convenience and speed. These classes cover everything you need to make a successful project, from tools and fabric choices all the way to quilting suggestions. I make the entire project on camera for you to follow, and I keep no secrets! We also added closed captioning for better accessibility.
These classes are all at the C&T Creative Spark hub – check them out HERE

My Class and Teaching Philosophy:
I believe everyone has innate artistic talent, and it’s an honor to help you find, explore, and enjoy yours.
- I love teaching, especially sharing the building-block skills for quilting. When you get the basics figured out, everything becomes more fun!
- I’m supportive and encouraging, and like to make sure we spend time laughing as we learn. Life is stressful enough without adding more in a quilting class!
- Your quilt is *your* art, and you get to make it your way!
- I’m good at finding different ways to explain things so different learning styles can be supported.
- I don’t keep secrets. I will always tell you everything you need to know to make your project.
- Always encourage, never discourage. I might suggest, but I seldom insist… unless you leave a blade open!
- I won’t sew, cut, or draw on your project without your permission.
- My best teaching compliment: “Sam explains everything simply so everyone comprehends. She’s funny, too!”
- My tech team adds closed captioning to all our classes and videos for better accessibility.