Comments on: WASWI – Please don’t steal my pattern (or any one else’s) Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Wed, 15 Jan 2020 17:01:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marianne Mon, 07 Sep 2015 13:29:14 +0000 That’s why I love my local library so much. I rarely make the same pattern twice so their vast variety of quilting books helps. I make a quilt from a book and then return the book. All above board and legal.

By: Sam Hunter Fri, 29 May 2015 12:53:58 +0000 In reply to Sandy.

And you know these same people wouldn’t steal from a grocery store!

By: Sandy Sat, 23 May 2015 20:53:13 +0000 When I was new in town I joined a small quilt guild. The ladies were mostly older and had been friends and in the guild a long time. I discovered that it was common for one person to buy a pattern, photocopy it for the others, and then each person would make the same quilt. I called the president about this practice, told her I was uncomfortable with it, and that it was illegal. She brought it up to the group and reported back to me that they planned to continue doing as they had always done. I immediately resigned from the guild.

By: Sam Hunter Tue, 03 Mar 2015 00:54:02 +0000 In reply to Sharon.

Hi Sharon – Thanks for writing – and I see your point. FYI, all the the catchphrases associated with any shows are deemed under copyright to be “fair use” unless they are specifically trademarked (you can’t copyright the words, only the pictures… and I know this because I tried to copyright other of my sassy buttons, and they would only let me do the ones that had drawings, and told me to look into trademarking for phrases.)

The good news is that most of the people that create shows that have rabid fan followings are happy to let the products that support and promote said fandom get created. I’ll be the first person to comply with a “cease and desist” when one arrives on my doorstep. ~ Sam

By: Sharon Mon, 02 Mar 2015 23:40:17 +0000 I wholly agree with your stance on intellectual property theft, and it looks as though you have a lot of support on this.

It seems a little ironic to me that a few days later you write a post promoting some pins in your shop that you helpfully explain are derived from certain popular TV shows. Did you know that’s also intellectual property theft – unless of course you have obtained the appropriate licenses from the creators of Firefly, Dr Who, Game of Thrones etc.

By: Brandy Tue, 20 Jan 2015 16:37:18 +0000 In reply to Sam Hunter.

I sure will! I’m there often enough that I could probably tell her today (I saw her yesterday…lol). And the note in the book (clever! See, told you I wasn’t very clever when it comes to this stuff) says that I need to give full credit (with very specific wording) on a tag permanently attached to the item I am selling. Good to know! I’ll be tagging you on IG when I finish projects out! Thanks Sam!!

By: Sam Hunter Tue, 20 Jan 2015 16:25:51 +0000 In reply to Brandy.

Hi Brandy! I grant you permission to you the designs from Quilt Talk for sale objects (and best of luck!), but the permission really lies with C&T, the publisher, as they hold the copyright to the book (I know, you’d think that it’s mine, but it usually isn’t in this industry – nuts eh?). Please check the language inside the front cover for their description of their rights, and contact them if you have any questions about what they mean. And thank your LQS from me! ~Sam

By: Brandy Tue, 20 Jan 2015 15:43:03 +0000 This is something that I am becoming more and more sensitive to. And now I have a question. I just bought your book (because my very sweet LQS owner couldn’t stop talking about it), and I’m going to be using your lettering in a quilt that is going to be donated for silent auction. (Okay, that’s not the question, but this is) – I am a very small scale quilter/sewist and I am looking to do a craft fair locally to bring in extra money to help me off-set the cost of Christmas (as a single mom, I do what I can to make sure he’s covered). If I wanted to do a couple of quilts or some placemats that incorporated your lettering, would I need to buy a license from you? I would totally not take any credit for the design. That’s best left with you (I’m not that clever, trust me), but wanted to ask before I forged ahead. <3 I LOVE your book. I have already read the entire thing and will be starting my grand paper piecing adventures this evening!

By: Radio Way Top | Jolly and Delilah Quilts Mon, 19 Jan 2015 20:56:04 +0000 […] unnecessary, but I couldn’t in good conscience make the quilt doing so – I’ll have to thank Sam Hunter for that […]

By: Dawn Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:09:43 +0000 Well said!!! Love your analogy about Thanksgiving Dinner and the turkey!! That had me laughing out loud.
I am not a designer but even so I totally understand where all designers are coming from. Holy Toledo!!!…… it’s not at all difficult to understand that people are trying to earn a living!! I do find it very difficult to understand though how the rules only apply to “other people”. I know it’s not a “rule” like “no chewing gum in school”….but it is a “rule” of ethics and morality that a person does not take what is not their’s. It’s just that simple to me. To me there is no gray area. I wish it were so for everyone. Maybe some day.
