Comments on: WASWI – Designing Fabric? Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Thu, 17 Aug 2023 20:38:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: English quilter Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:24:15 +0000 Unfortunately this a very real situation throughout the sewing industry. Shops pay employees and teachers poorly and exploit them, and from what you are saying it is going all the way up. As most of us are independent contractors we have little leverage as individuals and few legal rights.

By: Nancy B Thu, 06 Nov 2014 01:14:32 +0000 It’s terrible to learn that some companies treat their designers this way, but WHY are their names protected? How can we buyers-but-not-designers punish those bums if the designers involved won’t tell us which ones to boycott and write scathing letters to?

By: Casey Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:48:52 +0000 Thank you, as always, for adding your insights to the discussion, Sam! Abby’s post struck very close to home for me, and challenged me to rethink the ways I’m approaching this industry and what I really want out of my design career.

I would be very interested in to see what actually goes in to producing a yard of fabric. I know the retail markup isn’t very high, and obviously the designers aren’t getting a huge cut, but I wonder how lucrative the entire business is, and whether there is really that much money to go around. I love these types of posts, because they bring these issues up to the consumer as well as the potential designer, and when we have a consumer base that understands the costs involved, they often (I hope!) also tend to be more willing to pay what something is actually worth.

By: mandalei76 Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:56:05 +0000 Not sure if you went to QuiltCOn, but there was a panel of fabric designers there, talking about how to get fabric lines. They were asked directly about how much a line could be expected to make, and things got very testy, with the implication that this was a rude question to ask, and the person who asked was shut down hard. They never answered the question, either.

By: Designing for Pay: Continuing the Conversation | mandalei Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:54:39 +0000 […] Sam Hunter at Hunter S. Designs also has something to add, as part of the “We Are $ew Worth It” campaign. […]

By: Lucinda Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:01:49 +0000 If I knew the companies doing this I would not buy from them…. how can we find out???

By: Frankie P Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:29:12 +0000 It is disgraceful what little fabric companies are paying there artists,
If you ask me if the companies are so money clingy , I would happily pay an entrance $1 per yard if I was %100 assured it was to go directly to the designer,
As a way of saying your work is amazing,,,!,love your art, keep the magic happening!
Hell I pay more them an extra $1 went it goes out of print and becomes hard to find why should the people not being the work reep the rewards.
So unfair and then to expect them to pay there own way,!,
That is not on at All
Pick up your act fabric companies.. You know who you are.

By: Marsha Chappell Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:07:47 +0000 I don’t understand why we as artisans are so willing to accept less than what we deserve. Do you think an attorney would accept less? Car mechanic? Doctor? I think not! It’s an uphill battle but one we must win if we want validation.

By: msmidge Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:27:06 +0000 It has bothered me greatly since reading the post yesterday. There are a bunch of quilters who are putting puzzle pieces together, which could inevitably mean a/some fabric companies will have less customers. I think it’s disgraceful that yet again, artists are being paid substandard fees for doing what they are best at.

By: Jolly and Delilah Wed, 05 Nov 2014 05:14:13 +0000 I read that article last night. I was shocked that designers could come out of a new range owing money. How can a company possibly demand a designer attend market but not cover any of the expenses?
And absolutely, if I knew which companies were that stingy, I would avoid them.
Almost went off at a family member the other day who demanded a free quilt from me because she loved the pictures I’d posted online. Yes, we quilt because we love it. We make gifts for friends and family, and gifts for strangers in need because we love them. But I’m sure as s**t (please excuse my being Australian) not giving something away because it’s demanded. Of course, she was horrified by reasonable sale price and then asked if there was a “family” rate for labor. Well, enough of my rant. We are so worth it. People who don’t believe so, aren’t.
