Comments on: WASWI: “But I don’t need the money” Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Wed, 15 Jan 2020 18:08:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharon Mon, 02 Mar 2015 23:13:57 +0000 I think that the issue is twofold. Non-crafting people are so out of touch with the act of sewing and quilting that they have no understanding of how much quality materials cost and just how much time even the simplest quilt takes to make.

Also, with most of our textile production now happening offshore in the poorest of countries with the lowest of wages and conditions, people have become accustomed to any sewn item being available at K-mart prices. It’s very difficult for a seamstress or quilter to compete with the buying power of an extremely large factory, and the minimum wage in western countries is many many times what the factory workers are paid.

It is a shame that our textile industry has followed this path because ultimately it devalues our work to the point that it not financially viable to pursue a career as a sewist. I completely support your We’re Sew Worth It campaign and wish you every success in spreading your message.

By: Serena @ Sewgiving Thu, 26 Feb 2015 08:47:43 +0000 I don’t think the “selling” quilting community needs to feel threatened by the “giving” quilting community. The gifted quilts don’t make the quilts for sale any less saleable. I go both ways (no pun intended lol) by selling and giving away my quilts. If I choose to give it away then that’s for me to decided how I do it – I certainly wouldn’t tell that person how much it cost me to make when it’s a gift. It would only embarrass both parties. When I sell a quilt, I don’t back down on the price either. The price is the price and if my client likes my work then they will have no problem paying for it. I do support your “We’re Sew Worth It” campaign as it has taught me to be more confident in my pricing … but not at the expense of someone else’s post / words that was forwarded to you … she wasn’t even on your radar.

By: Kim Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:55:03 +0000 In reply to Sam Hunter.

Sam, it was not my intent to threaten you at all. You’re right about fair use, however, the blog that you quoted specifically states that all material is copyrighted and permission must be granted to lift something off of the page. I guess that is where consideration of other bloggers come into play and respect for their work. There is no right answer to the question of what to charge for making quilts for others. If i was able to support myself with my work, I would, but I can’t so I have a day job. It is a what the market will bear kind of dilemma in my case. I wish you luck in your quilting business.

By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:32:51 +0000 In reply to Ann.

Thank you!

By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:32:43 +0000 In reply to Susan Briscoe.

Thank you!

By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:32:31 +0000 In reply to Stephanie.

It really is!

By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:31:37 +0000 In reply to Lori.


By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:31:09 +0000 In reply to Sharon Collins.

I’m all for a little “friends and family” discount, I just think you have to inform the friends and family! But yes, people pay other people to cook for them a lot – can’t understand why paying people to sew for them is so foreign!

By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:29:15 +0000 In reply to Peg.

I know! I’m not sure about this race to the bottom at all – it will end up being a sweatshop funded by a soup kitchen!

By: Sam Hunter Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:27:44 +0000 In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim – thanks for writing. I *do* “think before I type and press publish.” Kate was writing inclusively (using “we”) to an audience she assumes shares her opinion. I do the same, and my opinion happens to differ. Rather that step into her house/blog and argue with her, I chose to write a dissenting opinion. I’m not in copyright violation – anything said in a public forum is open for fair use according to my friends in journalism – I quoted her words exactly, linked to the source, and noted where I chose to create emphasis to make my point. This is done daily in publications all over the world. Obviously, you care about Kate enough to defend her – she is lucky to have such a good friend! And obviously, you and I don’t feel the same way about these issues either. I appreciate you pointing out the conundrum of what to do about the work we do for charity, and no doubt this will become fodder for more conversation. However I don’t appreciate you trying to threaten me with “copyright violation” nonsense. His is MY house/blog – you are welcome to create dialog here, but not threaten. If you don’t like what I write, then please just leave my house.
