free downloads Archives - Hunter's Design Studio Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Wed, 15 Jan 2020 18:06:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 79720629 In praise of counting, even when you don’t plan to sell Thu, 12 Feb 2015 15:00:09 +0000 How many of us hit the first weekend of February, completely aghast that January was already history? One tenth of the year is done, and I'd be lying if I said I'm cool with that fraction. It's actually making me sweat a bit. I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO. Like many people, I navigate the [...]

The post In praise of counting, even when you don’t plan to sell appeared first on Hunter's Design Studio.

How many of us hit the first weekend of February, completely aghast that January was already history? One tenth of the year is done, and I’d be lying if I said I’m cool with that fraction. It’s actually making me sweat a bit. I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO.


Like many people, I navigate the transition from December to January by taking stock, and one of the things I take stock of is how much work I do in my studio. Counting quilts isn’t too hard as they’re pretty big, but my post-meno memory still manages to lose track of a few – mostly test versions of a pattern in development, or things done for charity. I finished 28 quilts in 2014 – yes, a good number! And don’t hate me… remember this is my living! But when I look at that divided by 52 weeks, it made me wonder where my time went.

So here’s a more detailed breakdown:

  • 28 Quilts finished
  • 21 Bee blocks or donation/charity blocks
  • 4 Quilt tops
  • 17 Quilt Talk buckets
  • 11 Chunky Wee Bags
  • 27 Miscellaneous containers (small buckets, zip pouches, etc.)
  • 2 Cross Stitch pieces
  • 10 Other stuff (scarves, pattern tests for other people, sets of napkins for the house, etc.)

A whopping 111 items. Whew. Now *that* number makes me feel like I didn’t spend the entire year fiddling with social media!

So how do I track it? With this worksheet (download it here).


While I point to other more detailed documents for tracking project time and materials, the one I use most is this one, with just enough space for the time used on common steps like piecing or binding. And this easily lets me see where my time went on all the other stuff!

Also – data is power. I can see that I made a lot of bee blocks, and this year I decided not to join in anymore bees or swaps for a bit to reclaim that time for other things I’d rather be doing. I can also track some broad numbers that I can use for more detailed bidding for projects, should the need arise.

I already have a good start for 2015 going (names of projects blurred to avoid spoiling a couple of surprises!):


OK – back to the studio. Time to get something else ON the list!


The post In praise of counting, even when you don’t plan to sell appeared first on Hunter's Design Studio.

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