craft industry alliance Archives - Hunter's Design Studio Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Fri, 03 Jul 2020 23:42:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 79720629 WASWI – Raising your prices, not working for free Thu, 03 Dec 2015 13:00:22 +0000 There have been some great discussions out on the interwebs, of late, covering some thoughts on pricing and working for free. These are definitely worth your time! First: Karen McTavish on the Crafty Planner Podcast. At about minute 42, Sandi and Karen start discussing the pricing for long-arm services. Karen makes her version of the point [...]

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There have been some great discussions out on the interwebs, of late, covering some thoughts on pricing and working for free. These are definitely worth your time!

First: Karen McTavish on the Crafty Planner Podcast. At about minute 42, Sandi and Karen start discussing the pricing for long-arm services. Karen makes her version of the point I’m always trying to make: When you undercut yourself, you undercut EVERYONE. She believes that as you get better, you should raise your prices, then the new folks coming up behind you can earn a decent rate too. AMEN.

The rest of the podcast is great also, as Karen talks about her unlikely journey to being the Karen McTavish – and she’s a funny lady to boot!

Second: This WONDERFUL video shows how nuts it is to be asked to work for free in other industries outside of the arts. In two and a half very short minutes, the point is beautifully made, especially by the old chap in the restaurant! There are some great points about being a professional who gets paid for their time, and keeping ownership of one’s intellectual property.

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The post WASWI – Raising your prices, not working for free appeared first on Hunter's Design Studio.
