Comments on: Seven Reasons Why I Love Quilt Kits Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:41:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Garcia Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:54:56 +0000 I have only used a couple kits. I have a difficult time following a pattern to a T, so the two times I used a kit, there was not enough fabric to change the pattern the way I envisioned. After it happened the second time, I made a note to myself that I was not a good follower, so kits were not the best option for me.
To each his own in this quilting adventure. If using a kit works for your style of quilting, more power to you! I am a wanderer and get drawn off the path by the myriad possibilities floating around in my head.

By: Mary Smart Thu, 06 Apr 2023 23:09:19 +0000 After disappointment about many of the quilts I made, I decided not to make any more quilts I didn’t like, and I managed that by buying quilt kits. I bought numerous kits from Craftsy, when they sold them as well as online classes, and I was really sorry to see that source disappear. Since then, I have bought quilt kits from a variety of places – quilt shop catalogs, quilt shops selling their own kits, websites of designers I follow online, kits I find on Instagram.
I want to like the quilts I make more than I want to design my own and be disappointed with the results.
Most of us aren’t trying to make careers as quilt designers, and I’m happy to leave that part of making quilts to those who did a lot better job of it than I do. If it’s cheating, I’m just glad there is a way to cheat, so I end up with quilts I love for the time and money I invest.

By: Marlene Thu, 06 Apr 2023 21:07:03 +0000 I love quilts for the above noted reasons plus I never have left over fabric to store and try to use up another time. Much more economical.

By: Jill Davis Thu, 06 Apr 2023 20:13:55 +0000 This cheating comment just is beyond me! Why are people worried about that? Can’t we just put the fun back in quilting lol? Without worrying about getting an A on the test? These are the kind of Quilters that I tend to stay away from. I had a woman in a guild tell me she never used kits. As a new quilter at that time, her comment made me feel very inferior and inexperienced. Luckily I’ve gotten beyond that. There is definitely a time and place for kits!
