Comments on: Quarter inch, SCHMuarter inch! Cool patterns + wordy stuff! Fri, 06 May 2016 13:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Siobhan Tue, 03 May 2016 13:18:37 +0000 Ha. Superglue! Never thought of that! My 1/4″ foot has a large enough hole that I can thankfully adjust my needle, but until I spent the small fortune for it, this was a major struggle for me as well. And the blind-hem foot came “free” with the machine. Smh!

I’ll be keeping this in mind if I ever change machines… Thank you!

By: Karen Fri, 01 Mar 2013 20:14:25 +0000 This is the second time, in as many days, I have heard about a blind hem foot. HA! Must mean I need one. YAY. I love new tools. All these years.. I did the darned blind hem with my own freaking resources and there was a foot out there for it! Poo
I also just tried the Janome 1/4″ foot last week. (didn’t know it’s name) but it helped me do what I needed. As Sam knows.. I am NOT about perfection, but then I don’t do piecing either!
So thanks for this. It’s Brilliant!
